Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Day Three!

Follow this link to view all of our photos from this week at camp:

This morning campers made cat toys and dog kongs. We played games in the field and then took campers in small groups to visit the shelter animals which include: kittens, cats, bunnies, guinea pigs, and ferrets.

Our morning guest was Kevin from 802 Reptiles. He brought some West African Ball Pythons and Central/South American Boa Constrictors to share with us. He also had us meet an Australian Blue Tongued Skink which is a large lizard which kind of looks like a snake with legs. Campers had the chance to hold some of the snakes too!

Our afternoon included more group games and a visit from Bug Expert Scientist Linden Higgens who taught us all about different types of insects before the campers were set loose on a bug hunt to find as many different kinds of insects as possible around our camp site. They found spiders, flies, moths, slugs, daddy long legs, beetles, and many others. 

Our day finished with games such as animal career charades, animal heads up, and time with Carman the box turtle!

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