We're so excited for our first week of camp! Here's some important information and dates!
Camp will begin a 9 am and pick up is at 12 noon (AM Session) & begin at 1 pm and pick is at 4 pm (PM Session). For each day of camp we will have a variety of guest speakers and activities planned that revolve around different themes: dogs, cats, small animals, careers, animal safety, and learning about the shelter. Each day, campers will need to bring their own snack and a water bottle. Thus far, we are not aware of any allergies. However, if your child has an allergy, please let us know and we can notify the group.
Camp will take place in the white tent in front of the Humane Society building. On rainy or stormy days, camp will not be canceled. Rather, it will take place in the classroom (when facing the front of the building, the door to the classroom is down the path to your right).
This week we will also be making cat toys, so if possible please bring in any spare toilet paper rolls and/or paper towel rolls that we can use to make these!
Dates to Remember:
AM & PM Sessions-- On Friday campers will have the opportunity to share something about their own pets or anything animal related with the group. For this they should bring something to share (pet photo(s), a favorite stuffed animal, drawing of pet/animal, etc. ). Campers can bring in their Pet Share items any day this week for us to save for the share time on Friday.
PM Session Only-- On Wednesday we will be going on a walk to Red Rocks Park. This park is located about a mile from the Humane Society. Due to the fact that there is not a lifeguard on hand, we will not be swimming so a bathing suit is not needed. Instead, we will be walking through the trails, playing games, and learning about Vermont’s wildlife. Please have your child wear comfortable walking shoes. Drop off and pick up will still be at the white tent in front of the Humane Society building unless notified otherwise.
PM Session Only-- On Wednesday we will be going on a walk to Red Rocks Park. This park is located about a mile from the Humane Society. Due to the fact that there is not a lifeguard on hand, we will not be swimming so a bathing suit is not needed. Instead, we will be walking through the trails, playing games, and learning about Vermont’s wildlife. Please have your child wear comfortable walking shoes. Drop off and pick up will still be at the white tent in front of the Humane Society building unless notified otherwise.
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